Fishermen village Burgas
Only 16 km away from Burgas there is a strange village, which can surprise, charm and repel you at the same time. It will surprise you that this is a less popular even almost unknown destination to people outside Burgas. It’s charming because a place by the sea with fishing boats and lots of colors could not help but to capture your heart. The fishing houses or rather the barracks are built of secondary raw materials and waste, old wagons, rusty sheets and cracked canvases and vinyls. This, however, creates a strange atmosphere. The chaotic mixture of colors and shapes can make you confused, but in a charming way.
On one hand, you feel sad because of the indigence in which the fishermen obviously live. On the other hand, such a place could be much more beautiful and organized and it could be turned into an interesting and colorful tourist attraction.
The fishermen village of Burgas (known for the locals as “Chengene skele”) can be reached in about 20 minutes by car from the center of Burgas. The turn-off is about one kilometer before the road to Rosenets Park, on the way to Sozopol.
In fact, the settlement has two canals on both sides of which there are about a hundred houses. Another row of houses is situated on the beach, opening a splendid panoramic view to Burgas.
In the center of the village, 10 meters away from the entrance, there is also a restaurant-club “Morski sgovor” which may transalted as “Seaside agreement”. In fact, this tiny place offers fresh fish and fish soup, prepared and cooked by original fishermen recipes. There is also grilled meat in the menu of course, but to go to such a place and order a pork steak makes no sense to me. The spot is a very good suggestion for a leisure lunch on the weekends or evening escape from the city hassel during the summer.
Author - Kiril Valkanov, Travel blogger